Marine Solar Panels

Solar panels can be very useful on a just about any size boat that uses electricity. Wither you just want to keep your batteries at peak charge or power up all your lights, receptacles, appliances, navigation and fish finder electronics. Solar panels can keep your electricity flowing strong!

Marine panels are readily available retail, but they can be expensive. A great solution to this is to build your own. It’s easier than you might think!

Building your own panels is a great project. (Since you own a boat you must love projects!) Another plus about building your own panels is that you can custom build them to perfectly fit your boat. This is very important when space is at a premium. (there’s never enough room on my boat!)

I can help you build your own panels, they aren’t difficult at all. One of the most intimidating things that keep a lot of people from attempting to build their own panels is finding the right parts. Most of the parts can be found at your local home improvement center, but if you’re even just a little creative, you can scrounge for most of the materials needed at garage sales, estate auctions and construction site dumpsters. Make sure you get permission before rummaging through these dumpsters though.

The solar cells used to be the illusive parts of your solar panel project to find, but now it seems you can find them just about anywhere! More and more things that require illumination are being powered by solar panels.