You can help with that by sharing your professional knowledge in a lecture at the LpS 2019. Take this opportunity to present your research, developments, innovations and expectations for future technologies to a highly qualified audience.
100 speakers will be carefully selected by our advisory board. Every speaker receives a free 3-day event pass with catering, the proceedings booklet and all presentations. Other benefits of being a LpS speaker are:
- Showcasing your expertise and insights to the 1700 delegates
- Establishing new contacts
- Elevating your brand in the global market
- Exchanging experiences with other designers, architectural and planning experts, and investors
- Meeting over 130 leading companies exhibiting their products, equipment and services
A very special opportunity is offered to speakers from universities and research institutes: The best scientific paper will be honoured with the LED professional Scientific Award. The winner will be announced at the LpS 2019 and will receive 1,000 Euros and a trophy as well as having their paper published in the LED professional Review magazine.
See also: