LEDs In Your Retail Facility

In 2010, 61 percent of US retailers surveyed by Retail Systems Research observed that green initiatives "make good business sense," up from 49 percent the previous year. Those making an effort to reduce their carbon footprint are also being strongly supported by consumers. But where should you start?

One way retailers are 'going green' is by updating their lighting with LED (light emitting diode) lighting. LEDs are mercury free, completely recyclable, 300 percent more energy-efficient than compact fluorescent lighting and about 1,000 percent more efficient than incandescent bulbs while using up to 90 percent less energy to run. Another perk for retailers is that LED lighting can save a significant amount of money on monthly electrical bills.

Imagine that you have a retail space with 25 in-ceiling 100-watt incandescent lamps, 50 45-watt MR16 spotlights and 40 T8 fluorescent 2-light fixtures at 80 watts total. Your place is bright and spotlighting all of your greatest stuff. The goal is to make it look even better with lighting that saves you money – and with the ongoing advancement in LEDs anything is possible. And you're not just saving on your electrical bill, but also on your merchandise. LEDs do not produce UV light so they're gentler on your products, extending their shelf life. Now, let's say you decide to replace your current lighting with 20 Cree LR6s (10.5 watts per unit), 50 Toshiba MR16s (4.5 watts) and 80 EFFINION T8 direct replacement units (40 watts each). In doing so, you've lowered your lighting usage by more than 70 percent. Since lighting can take up between one-third and one-half of your your electrical usage, you can see how this adds up to big savings. Also, since LED lighting fixtures do not produce heat, it can save you money on your HVAC costs too!

By installing LEDs, you will also save on maintenance costs. You will not need to replace the lamps for over 50,000 hours! That means if you leave your lights on 12 hours a day, you'll need a replacement in about 11.5 years. Another advantage is that you'll no longer have to store replacement bulbs, saving you space you can monetize into additional inventory. The ROI on LED lighting technologies varies based on your particular environment, but we've seen paybacks as fast as 14 months. Every month after that is all savings, and that means cash in your pocket!