• In the LED spectrum, the blue component that is harmful to the human eye
has been reduced to a normal level of the sun
• The wave range around 460nm, which is particularly important for reading,
as well as the red and infrared spectrum, which are very important for the
human body, were amplified
Since 2018, Shenzhen Lightspot Technology Ltd. has been working on a physiological lighting concept based on the light spectrum of the sun. It includes the normal life processes in the body cells of humans, animals and plants, i.e. the interaction of all physical, chemical and biochemical processes in the entire organism. The aim was to use light not only as a source of illumination for objects and for human vision, but also to study the biological effects of the solar spectrum on humans, animals and plants and to copy it successfully.
Sunlight LEDs with 360 to 1000nm wavelength Thanks to intensive research and development Light emitting diodes in the wavelength range between 360 und 1000nm have been developed. euroLighting now equips various light sources, including LED screw-in lamps, T8 tubes, LED panels and other light sources, with these new LEDs.
The Optical Window:
The range of solar radiation visible to humans is limited to the range between 430 und 780 nm. However, the human skin has a so-called “optical window” in the range of 600-1400nm, through which humans receive their energy for daily life via solar radiation. This is because two-thirds of the energy that every person needs per day is provided by the electromagnetic waves of the solar radiation spectrum.
Energy via LED:
Through internal research, Shenzhen Lightspot Technology has successfully manager to increase the solar spectrum reproduced by its light-emitting diodes to as much as 950nm, thereby providing people with at least a fraction of the energy they no longer receive in everyday life. Because the daily dwell time of humans in the sunlight has been reduced by the modern way of life to about 20%.
Health benefits:
The new generation of light-emitting diodes significantly improves human vision, especially for older people, also the sleeping behaviour, the ability to concentrate and the feeling of well-being. Many users of the new lamps confirmed the positive effects of the artificial solar spectrum. Even though these effects have been known for a long time, intensive research and development has now made it possible to develop this new generation of energetic light emitting diodes.
About Shenzhen Lightspot Technology:
Shenzhen Lightspot Technology Ltd. was founded in 2004 and is one of the pioneers in the field of light emitting diodes. It was the first company in China to develop and mass produce COBs on ceramic bases in 2010. Numerous international patents in this field as well as light emitting diodes with a CRI of 98 prove the high level of development of their research and development.
About euroLighting:
euroLighting GmbH from Nagold focuses on the distribution and development of modern LED technology. The LED modules in driverless AC technology are suitable for installation in lamps of any kind and no longer require a conventional power supply. A novelty are the LED products with sunlight-like spectrum, which have a positive effect on human and animal health. Here euroLighting offers both LEDs and various types of ready-to-use LED lamps. The product portfolio of modern LED light sources also includes LED street lamps up to 150W (= HQL 400W) including night-time reduction as well as complete smart city systems for building an intelligent city. Screw-in modules to replace HQL and NAV lamps in luminaire heads, cylindrical designs as well as T8 LED tubes and LED area lights complete the range. – www.eurolighting.de