DALI-2 certification involves rigorous testing and independent verification of test results, which gives confidence in cross-vendor product interoperability. Reaching this landmark, a feat achieved in less than three years since DALI-2 was first introduced, underscores the importance of DALI-2 in the lighting control market.
“The very rapid growth in certification of DALI-2 lighting control products shows no sign of slowing,” said Paul Drosihn, GM at DiiA. “The progress we’ve seen to date reflects the advocacy shown by the global lighting industry. We are immensely grateful for the hard work of our members in recent years to help achieve this significant landmark in such a short span of time.”
DALI-2 delivers more product types and features, clearer specifications and increased testing, compared with first generation DALI products. In addition to LED drivers and other control gear, the list of certified DALI-2 products includes application controllers (devices that make decisions and send commands), bus power supplies, and input devices, which provide user-derived and environmental information to the lighting-control system.
The thousandth product certified by the organization was an LED driver from DiiA founder member Tridonic. The organization’s product database now contains almost 2,400 products in total, including more than 1,350 first-generation DALI products from a broad range of members.
The DiiA anticipates further growth in DALI-2 certification, as new features and function are added to the program. For example, the first D4i LED drivers were recently added to the database, as well as the first DALI-2 tunable white LED drivers.
General Information on DALI/DiiA:
• DALI is an acronym for Digital Addressable Lighting Interface.
• The DiiA Product Database is available here: http://www.dali2.org/
• The first DALI-2 device was certified by the DiiA in September 2017.
• More information on the DALI-2 certification program here: http://www.dali2.org/certification
About DiiA:
The Digital Illumination Interface Alliance (DiiA) is an open, global consortium of lighting companies spearheading growth of lighting-control solutions based on Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI) technology. The organization is driving the adoption of DALI-2, the latest version of the internationally-standardized DALI protocol, and operates the DALI-2 certification program to boost levels of interoperability. It develops test specifications for product compliance testing, and also creates new requirements for additional product features and functions. DALI-2 includes more product types and features, clearer specifications and increased testing. More information: http://www.digitalilluminationinterface.org